Provide guidance for the
environmental and social transitions
of the agricultural and food sector


Identify your stakeholders


Prevent and mitigate social risks


Embrace responsible practices


Raise awareness and communication


Anticipate regulatory compliance


They trust us

La cooperation agricole
Phileo by Lesaffre

Expert team in agri-food and agricultural upstream​

Welcome to EVEA's website dedicated to agriculture and food!

At EVEA, we help organizations develop strategies for a more responsible product and service offering.​

Alongside our clients, we contribute to the transition of agricultural and food systems to address environmental and social challenges.

The EVEA Agriculture and Food team operates in the agriculture and agri-food sectors. It also collaborates with other EVEA sectoral teams specialising in other areas (cosmetics, chemistry, textiles, etc.).

Consultancy, software tools, training

To valorize your results

  • Environmental communication
  • Food environmental labelling

To sustain the change

  • Software solutions (SimaPro, ASKOR, TOOVALU, etc.) and customized tools
  • Training in environmental assessment, social assessment, and eco-design

To deliver committed solutions​

  • Eco-design approach
  • CSR and CSRD Strategy
  • Climate/biodiversity strategy
  • R&D projects (approved for CIR and CII accreditation)​

To prepare your projects, to evaluate your situation, to understand your challenges

  • Environmental and Social Life Cycle Sssessment (LCA and SLCA)
  • Critical review
  • Greenhouse gas emissions inventory (GHG)
  • CSR diagnosis
  • Workshops for understanding challenges to choose the right service

Standardized methods, scientific approach, collective intelligence, collaborative spirit

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and eco-design of your products with

ASKOR designed by EVEA

ASKOR supports food and beverage companies in managing the environmental and social impact of their products.

This tool allows:

Visit the website External link

Our team

A team dedicated to environmental and social performance issues in the agriculture and food sector.

For 15 years, our engineers and doctors in agronomy, with complementary skills, have been addressing the environmental and social challenges of the agricultural and food industries, covering the entirety of your value chain.

Mathilde Ceccaldi

Cathy Derail

Antoine Esnouf, PhD

Armelle Gac

Thomas Kerihuel

Aurélie Perrin, PhD

Manon Schmitt

Laura Thibault

Hugo Vasselon

Héloïse Wolff

Are you a player in the agriculture or food sector? Contact our experts for bespoke support.

Contact us