From product to comprehensive strategy
Our services enable you to implement a comprehensive and robust eco-social design approach, progressively and in full alignment with scientific and regulatory standards.
Understand and assess your environmental and social challenges
LCA: Life Cycle Assessment
S-LCA: Social Life Cycle Assessment
Carbon footprint (GHG Inventory)
Biodiversity, resource, water, plastic, and carbon footprints
EPD (environmental product declaration) / PEP (product environmental profile)
Critical review
Empreinte projet
Double materiality analysis (CSRD)
Plan your environmental and social transformation
Climate/CSR/biodiversity strategy
Eco-social design strategy
R&D (approved for R&D tax credit (CIR) & Innovation tax credit (CII)
Integrate and implement eco-social design
Eco-social design for your products and services
Eco-social design in your design and development practices
Development and distribution of software tools
In-house or intercompany training / awareness / workshops
EVEA is the authorized distributor of SimaPro LCA software in France
Responsible communication
Environmental labelling
CSRD reporting
ASKOR (Saas Platform)
Ev-DEC (EMP & PEP Platform)
Social Footprint
About EVEA
From floor to ceiling, from fork to
fork, from molecule to formula!
Not to mention our "support" teams,
who support those who support you.
From our offices in Nantes, Lyon, and Troyes, but also from
Paris, Tours, Rennes, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Angers, and other
cities where EVEA spreads its wings.
What is a FDES?
Discover the FDES, an essential tool for the environmental and health assessment of construction products.
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment on hydrogen transport
Our Green Chemistry team presented their study at the Hyvolution Paris trade fair
EVEA at the Bordeaux Eco-Design Forum
The 8th edition of the Eco-Design Forum was a day dedicated to the ecological transition of organizations.
For LCA, support, training, advices on your project or just information…
Contact us