EVEA fête ses 20ans

Plan your environmental and social transformation

We help you define and implement tailored environmental and social strategies. Whether you aim to develop a climate, CSR, or biodiversity strategy, integrate eco-socio-design into your products, or accelerate your R&D projects, we provide the expertise needed to meet regulatory requirements and highlight your positive impact.

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Climate strategy

The EVEA Climate Team guides you through the development and management of your climate strategy, whether you are a micro-enterprise, an SME, a mid-sized company, or a large corporation. Our support is based on four pillars of expertise:

A thorough understanding of your impacts
Transforming your business model
Managing your climate strategy
Highlighting your decarbonisation commitment and results
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) embodies an organisation's commitment to society by integrating social and environmental concerns into its core strategy. This approach aims for sustainable growth in the medium and long term, driven by ethical practices, increased transparency, and enhanced cooperation with stakeholders.

Our expertise enables companies to structure their CSR initiatives by conducting a dual materiality assessment. This strategic assessment identifies high-impact priorities to strengthen sustainability and align actions with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), ensuring clear and credible communication of their commitments.

We support you in structuring your CSR approach for a durable and recognised impact.

Biodiversity strategy

We support you in understanding, assessing, and taking action on biodiversity issues.

Diagnosing dependence on ecosystem services
Evaluating and exploring ways to reduce your biodiversity footprint
Developing, implementing, monitoring, and managing KPIs

Our expertise in environmental assessment brings together agronomists, environmentalists, chemists, life science academics, and specialists in climate, decarbonisation, data, and environmental performance indicators, covering all sectors of industry.

Eco-socio-design strategy

Eco-socio-design enables organisations to rethink their products and services by integrating environmental and social impacts from the design phase. This strategic approach aims to reduce ecological footprints, leverage local and sustainable resources, and promote ethical working conditions throughout the product lifecycle.

We support companies in implementing their eco-socio-design initiatives by analysing each stage of their product lifecycle to identify areas for improvement. Together, we define strategic axes that foster responsible innovation and create shared value for businesses, consumers, and society.

Adopt an eco-socio-design strategy to combine innovation with lasting positive impact.


As a CIR and CII accredited firm, EVEA boasts an active and dedicated Research and Development team with two key missions:

Managing our R&D activities, with the goal of incubating future solutions (advanced or hybrid assessment methodologies)
Developing specialised support services on specific environmental themes (biodiversity, climate, plastics, CSR)

Our strengths include:

Advanced methods for environmental and social assessment
Involvement in ISO expert committees on LCA
Integration of ecosystem and human health impacts into LCA
Participation in expert working groups on environmental labelling
Close collaboration with academic partners: INRAE, CIRAIG, CEA, universities, and schools

Want to learn more?

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