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Climate strategy: the 4 pillars of our support


EVEA's Climate team provides step-by-step support to help you build and manage your climate strategy, whether you're a micro-business, SME, mid-cap or large corporation. Our expertise is based on four key pillars.



1st pillar: In-depth understanding of your impacts

  • What is the scientific, political, and regulatory context?
  • What are the international reduction targets?
  • What are the methodologies for quantifying GHG emissions?
  • What is your company's role in addressing these challenges?

> Our services:

  • Quantification of GHG emissions from your products/services/activities following the latest standards and recommendations (carbon footprint, Protocol, ISO)
  • Strategic analysis at the company, value chain, or industry level (risk matrix, opportunities, climate maturity diagnosis)
  • Multicriteria analysis of issues with organizational life cycle assessments (LCA)

> Our added value:

  • Sector-specific expertise
  • Multicriteria approach
  • Ability to delve deeper into and specify Scope 3 indirect emissions


2nd Pillar: Transforming Your Business Model


EVEA can help you align your organization with a low-carbon economy by answering these two questions:

  • How can you transform your business model and offering by adopting an ambitious reduction trajectory in line with international targets?
  • How can you question your processes, goals, and vision to build your own decarbonization strategy in the short, medium, and long term?


> Our services:

  • Setting targets with science-based reduction trajectories (SBTi)
  • Building your climate strategy individually or collectively with ACT Pas-à-Pas
  • Defining your low-carbon roadmap and quantifying your action plan with reduction and storage potential
  • Integrating with your overall environmental transition approach


> Our added value:

  • Entrepreneurial culture inspired by our cooperative status
  • Product performance at the heart of your decarbonization strategy, thanks to our sector-specific expertise and nearly 20 years of experience in LCA and eco-design
  • Methodological expertise in GHG quantification



3rd Pillar: Managing Your Climate Strategy


EVEA enables you to disseminate and consolidate your transition project through skills and knowledge transfer.


> Our services:

  • Data collection, analysis, and management of your GHG emissions with the Impact TOOVALU platform
  • Fine modeling of your products to feed your Scope 3 with our software solutions such as ASKOR
  • Methodological training and support, both inter- and intra-company
  • Support for integrating eco-design and even eco-socio-design into your climate approach and quality management system


EVEA is not just a consulting firm. It is also:

  • A software publisher and distributor
  • A certified training organization (Qualiopi)
  • A cooperative with an entrepreneurial spirit to support you in your transformation



4th Pillar: Enhancing the value of your decarbonization commitment and results

EVEA supports you in deploying your responsible communication, highlighting your improvement and CO2 reduction actions with a solid argument, and obtaining official recognition of your climate strategy through institutional frameworks.


> Our services:

  • Evaluating the performance and maturity of your climate strategy with a comprehensive and recognized audit (ACT-A)
  • Publishing your "Climate Reporting" to position yourself and become a pioneer in climate strategy through CDP
  • Acquiring tools and skills to communicate accurately and transparently with your stakeholders
  • Relying on environmental labeling to inform about the performance of your products


> Our added value:

  • Climate expertise
  • Sector-specific expertise (covering all industries)
  • Expertise in responsible communication and, beyond that, combined expertise for precise, relevant, and transparent communication.

To learn more about our support for your climate strategy or carbon footprint, please write to us here.■


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