EVEA fête ses 20ans

Training is at the core of EVEA's profession.

We transfer our expertise in LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and eco-design, tailoring our approach to meet your needs.

illustration formation

Our training offer

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Our training offer

EVEA's training programs are designed for professionals in both the private and public sectors (industrial professionals, academic researchers, technical centers, etc.).
They are available in inter-company format (cohorts consisting of individuals from different organizations) in Paris, Lyon, Troyes, and Nantes, following a schedule. Additionally, we offer them in intra-company format (cohorts consisting of individuals from the same organization).

Training catalog of 2025

Explore our catalog

Explore our collaborative workshops on Eco-design Fresque

Know more

LCA (life cycle assessment)

  • LCA with SimaPro - From introduction to the basics to expertise
  • LCA for design decision support - assessing and seeking improvements by avoiding displacement of pollution
  • Social LCA or S-LCA


  • Implementing ecodesign in your company
  • Eco-design for Packaging

Eco-Declarations, EPDs, Environmental Communication

  • Drawing up your EPDs (Environmental Product Declaration)
  • Building materials, products and systems for the construction industry
  • Drawing up your PEP (Product Environmental Profile) - Electrical and electronic equipment and products, IT

Agricultural and Agri-Food Sectors

  • LCA applied to agro-sourced products: agro-materials, agri-food, agro-chemistry
  • Introduction to the Agribalyse program and database
  • Implementation of the Agribalyse database in an expert LCA software: SimpaPro or openLCA

Our commitments

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Our commitments

Qualiopi certification

EVEA is a Qualiopi certified training organisation since October 2021. We meet the 32 quality indicators that can be consulted here.

Logo Qualiopi

Quality certification was delivered on 03/11/2021
for the following category of action: training actions
See the certificate

Health prevention

EVEA makes every effort to ensure that inter-company training days are held under the best possible conditions and in compliance with the health measures in force. If the situation requires it, we carry out our training remotely via Microsoft Teams.


EVEA is strongly committed to an approach that aims to welcome people with disabilities without discrimination and to guarantee them equal rights and opportunities to access employment and training.

To this end, EVEA has appointed a Disability Advisor who is an internal resource on disability, whose main objectives are to support the management and implementation of our commitments. To carry out her missions, the EVEA Disability Officer relies on a network of specialised external partners.

Please contact us if:

  • You have or think you have special needs
  • You have already had educational adaptations during training or during your schooling
  • You have a disability

Please note that some adaptations generate costs and may require financing from l’AGEFIPH (Association de gestion du fonds pour l'insertion des personnes handicapées), service providers or staff.
In order for us to be able to welcome you in the best conditions, we invite you to contact us as soon as possible, as funding requests can take a long time to set up.

Key figures and testimonials

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Key figures and testimonials

Key figures in 2023


Average score of our trainings


Number of training sessions animated


Number of trainees

7 %

Absence rate


Modelling a Life Cycle Assessment with SimaPro - 16th and 17th July 2024

"I absolutely loved this training, as well as the quality and teaching skills of the instructors. Thank you so much! "
Clémence, Energy and Climate Consultant

Reading and Interpreting an LCA-A Study – 5th and 6th June 2024

"Thank you for this excellent training, both rich and engaging. I particularly appreciated the practical exercises and the guidance provided in the critical review of LCA reports. "
Emmanuel, Methanisation Engineer

PEP Implementation Training – 13th December 2023

"Excellent training! The instructors were highly skilled, which helped me gain a better understanding of PEP sheets, and the exercises were in-depth and very educational. All my questions were answered, and I really appreciated the interactive aspect of the training. "
Béatrice, CSR Purchasing Engineer

Eco-design Workshop – 12th December 2023

"A dynamic workshop, with the facilitators demonstrating great expertise. The eco-design canvas was of high quality, covering both the impacts and the inspirations behind the approach. "
Sabine, Sustainability Manager

SimaPro Training – 6th and 7th December 2023

"The explanations were clear given the complexity of the software, and the facilitators were dynamic, helping maintain a good work pace. They were also very approachable during the exercises. "
Lohann, Materials Engineer

LCA and SimaPro Training – 14th and 15th November 2023

"Enzo is an excellent instructor and explains this very complex subject perfectly. Personally, I have never had a trainer as relevant, educational, and qualified as him. "
Bertrand, Technical Product Leader

Our next training course

Date Training Location Training program
March 25, 2025

Intégrer la biodiversité en entreprise : fondamentaux et outils

Paris PDF program
April 29, 2025

Fresque de l'éco-conception (14h-17h30)

Nantes PDF program
From   May 20, 2025
to   May 21, 2025

Modéliser une analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) avec SimaPro

Paris PDF program
May 22, 2025

Communiquer sur les performances environnementales

Nantes PDF program
June 03, 2025

Fresque du numérique (09h-12h30)

Lyon PDF program

Registration for training

Registration must be completed no later than 15 days before the start of the training.


(+33) 2 28 07 87 00

Mail :


Generic training on a product or service involving multiple participants from various companies.

Participants: 3 (minimum)
Frequency: 2 sessions per year (minimum)

By filling out this form, I acknowledge and consent to the use and processing of the entered data for the following purposes:
  • To contact me
  • To send me any information related to my request

* Required fields


Encountered challenges during your training (issues with the instructor, site access, course proceedings, etc.)?

Contact our training manager: