Logo of the European Development Week

Assess the environmental and social impacts of your business


The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) takes place from 18 September to 8 October 2024. A great opportunity to assess your company's impacts.


This event aims to achieve two main objectives:

  • Raise awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN member states in 2015 and transposed in France through the Agenda 2030.
  • Encourage concrete actions by citizens, administrations, and businesses.


The importance of sustainability reporting


An increasing number of companies are subject to sustainability reporting as per the European directive 'CSRD' (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). This regulatory requirement is a powerful tool and lever for transitioning to a more resilient economic model.


Double materiality analysis


One of the initial steps is the 'double materiality' analysis. This analysis aims to identify the impacts of the organization on its ecosystem (human, environmental, societal) and, conversely, the impacts of the ecosystem on the organization. This preliminary step helps identify the key issues for the organization, which it must officially communicate.


Communication on each issue is framed by the corresponding standard ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standard) and must include four components:
•    Internal governance of the issue
•    Strategy
•    IRO (Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities)
•    Metrics and targets


This communication must therefore establish a strategy with ambition and progress monitoring.

Double materiality analysis: The cornerstone of the regulatory framework


Double materiality analysis is essential for the regulatory framework. It enables the structuring and prioritization of a company's sustainability actions.


How to identify environmental, social, and business conduct impacts?


At EVEA, we know that social and environmental impacts are inseparable. We rely on results from environmental and social life cycle assessments (LCA) at the product, service, or sector level. We combine these results with portfolio analysis to obtain the most comprehensive data possible and perform a rating of the organization’s environmental impacts.

For the evaluation of social and business conduct impacts, our team of social footprint specialists uses the social life cycle assessments (S-LCA) method, an approach framed by the UN Environment Program and soon to be standardized through ISO 14075, due to be published in the coming weeks.


We draw on both organization-specific data and databases such as the SHDB to assess the social issues and impacts of products, services, and activities throughout their life cycle.

Dual Environmental and Social Expertise

Our dual environmental and social expertise enables a detailed analysis of the organization’s impacts. We are thus able to provide precise and tailored recommendations to enhance your company's sustainability.

The European Sustainable Development Week is an opportunity for businesses to reflect on their impact and engage in concrete actions. By adopting a structured approach and relying on experts, you can transform regulatory obligations into genuine levers for transformation and resilience.

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