intervention Samuel Causse

Samuel Causse from EVEA speaks on LCA and green chemistry during a conference on surfactants


On July 5, EVEA gave two presentations at French chemistry think tank Adebiotech’s symposium “Sustainable bio-based surfactants” on the environmental implications of surfactants. The two-day symposium took place in the Parisian suburb of Romainville.

EVEA’s Agro-resources & Green chemistry director, Samuel Causse, gave both presentations on the second day. The first presentation was on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a methodology and how it can be used as a decision-making tool in the development of environmental, social and industrial products and services. The second was on the application of LCA to different surfactants (petrochemical, green chemistry and biotechnical) and how to improve environmental performance for each kind of surfactant. The presentations were both followed by lots of interaction with the audience; audience members and other presenters alike had several questions on EVEA’s presentations and on the environmental evaluation sector in general.

Other subjects covered during the symposium included international regulations for chemical substances containing surfactants, surfactants’ implications in agro-chemistry and public water sources, and others. By using cases from our own work at EVEA, we were able to contribute an environmental and social perspective to one of the larger conversations at the symposium on chemical use, and particularly surfactants, in consumer products.

Special thanks to Adebiotech’s Sylvio Bengio, Givaudan’s Alexis Rannou and SEPPIC’s Sébastien Duprat de Paule for inviting EVEA and facilitating our presence!

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