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Focus on FDES (French EPDs)


Our focus last month on FDES, which made headlines in all national media, has led us to continue on the subject and present to you the various types of FDES.



As a reminder, we are talking here about the French "Environmental and Health Declaration Sheet, a standardized document that presents the results of the life cycle assessment (#LCA) of a construction or decoration product, as well as health information, for the purpose of calculating the environmental performance of a building (RE2020).


We distinguish between:


  • Collective FDES, which cover the same type of products manufactured by several industrialists grouped within a collective. This solution allows, among other things, to optimize costs;
  • Individual FDES, which cover 1 product or several products manufactured by a specific industrialist;
  • "Tailor-made" FDES, derived from configurators that allow calculating an FDES adapted to the product implemented on the evaluated structure.


Let's take a closer look at these customized FDES:


The major challenge for construction stakeholders is to obtain relevant environmental data that allows for the most accurate calculation of the building's carbon footprint.


One of the trends we observe is the availability of tailored configurators for industrialists, offering multiple product configurations.


EVEA has been part of this trend for 10 years, offering software tools aimed at enabling industrialists to gain autonomy in terms of FDES. For example, the 5th version of our Ev-DEC configurator is currently used to create these "tailor-made" FDES. ■

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