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Environmental labelling for textiles: the latest news


The preparation of the voluntary environmental labelling scheme for the French textile sector continues unabated.


Source: French Ministry for Ecological Transition, April 2024


The textile environmental labelling committee has met twice in less than a month. The focus was on consultation on the methodology and the progress of regulatory texts. Here are some key points:

Regarding the method

  • Physical durability is currently being studied at different levels and will be integrated into a later version of the French environmental labelling scheme. The aim is convergence at the European level and a relevant link with extrinsic durability (also known as 'emotional durability').
  • Certain specific materials will not be covered initially, but the reference database (feeding Ecobalyse) will be enriched over time.
  • Only textile clothing is covered (footwear and articles containing more than 20% leather are excluded from the scheme).

Regarding the legislative aspects

  • A decree, along with regulations and a methodological notice, will define all methodological aspects, from the general framework to detailed calculation formulas.
  • Coexistence with other private scores is likely to be possible, provided there is no contradictory information and the official environmental cost is also communicated.
  • Companies will have to communicate the calculated environmental costs for their product(s) on a dedicated declarative portal
  • Environmental labelling is intended for final consumers, B2B transactions are not covered.
  • Update deadlines for scores by companies will be specific to each situation (between 6 months and 1 year, to be confirmed).


The rollout of the voluntary environmental labelling scheme is expected to take place before the end of 2024. Whether you are new to this scheme or have specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. ■

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